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Charlton Heston hears that Scotland voted NO!
William Wallace Finds Out 2014 Scotland Voted No To Independence
Climate Change: Professor Brian Cox clashes with sceptic Malcolm Roberts - BBC News
O Homem que Não Vendeu Sua Alma/ A Man for All Seasons (1988)
Why Marijuana activists are endangered!
Kate Middleton Meets the Real Royal Family - SNL
How One Mass Shooting Changed the UK's Gun Laws Forever
An audience with Alf Garnett - Warren Mitchell.
Mike Myers Rewatches Austin Powers, Shrek and Wayne's World | Vanity Fair
English Votes for English Laws or EVEL passed October 2015 and why it's coming to matter in CONDUP
Watergate Episode 2: "Cover-Up," Discovery Channel, August 7, 1994
MacB**th: The Scottish Play